Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Monday miscellania: day late, dollar short

Since I spent much of last night rearranging the furniture to accommodate our Christmas tree, I'm a little behind on my Monday linkage.

* By far the best thing I've found online this week is Doppleganger's discussion of parenting books over at 50 Books. The comments on the post are particularly hysterical, especially the explanation of Tether Parenting(TM) - of which it seems I am a devotee.

* Sunday's desperate Housewives struck a nerve with me. Lynette's run-in with her boss's wife, particularly her response to the comment about why she had kids if she wasn't planning on raising them (i.e. was working outside of the home). Her response was, "I work because my family needs me to." What about those moms who work because they WANT to? Add to that the fact that the situation was wrapped up fairly quickly in a neat little bow struck me as rather trite and superficial. But do I really expect realism from a show where a woman lets her ex-boyfriend overdose after she found out he tampered with her dead husband's medication, leading to his death?

* Christmas Mondegreens from Snopes! (Via Pop Culture Junk Mail) I will never forgive a former coworker for pointing out some of the mondegreens in the Messiah. Every time I hear "All we like sheep..." I can only think, "And we like sheep..."

* Curbed ponders appropriate Christmas tips. My wallet hurts.

* Yep. Still muy caliente.


At 9:43 AM, Blogger amadie said...

Then get thee to Grey's Anatomy, stat!

And you are absolutely right in wondering why men don't get asked those questions. But it is an assumption that somehow it is the woman's responsibility. Even women assume that, such as in this Salon article on a new magazine created for stay at home moms. Why can't we agree that people try to make the choices that are best for their families and themselves, and it is not our position to be judging those choices?


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