Thursday, December 02, 2004

It is always going to be so difficult?

That is the question I posted to Mr. MOM yesterday morning. Don't get me wrong. I think DOM is an angel - smart, funny, sweet - but she's also 2 years old. And, like a certain ex-boss of mine, if something isn't her idea, she doesn't want to do it. I quit that job - but this is something I can't quit, as much as I want to some days.

Take getting dressed. Unless SHE picks out the clothes, unless it is her idea to get dressed, it is a huge battle. Every morning. Same with getting in the bath, getting out of the bath, getting ready for bed, going to bed, eating dinner, etc., etc., etc. The wise advice is to pick your battles but, dammit, most of these things aren't optional.

So, how do I go about making everything seem to be her idea? I got pretty good at doing it with my former boss. But he wasn't as smart as she is.


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