Friday, June 04, 2004

A day late, a crayon short

While, technically, I am not the last person on earth to publish a blog, I do have the sense that I'm arriving late to a very large and rowdy party. One where the guests started drinking at noon, and are now all laughing at each other's inside jokes and making plans for joint vacations to the Carribean.

Let me back up here.

Hi. Welcome to Revenge of the MOMMY. As a thirtysomething mother that is also employed full time, I thought it would make my not-yet-two-year-old daughter's life easier to have something that she can print out and take to her therapist's office 18 or so years down the road. It is also a place where I can vent my frustrations and not drive my husband (Mr. MOM) and friends (FOMs - friends of MOM) crazy with post-mortem analyses of every little thing she does. Posting will be irregular, depending on how much free time I have, how inspired I am, and how effective my medications are.

So, please: enjoy, comment, criticize, ignore. It's up to you.


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